Spice Girls News
OK so it's not new news.. but it's so important we thought we'd mention it again! Can you believe it? Just a few weeks time and the Spice Girls are back on tour. This isn't just a four night fling this is the real deal. There are currently 13 Spice Girls Gigs in the UK and an overall total of 30 nights - this is massive!
More dates added to London
Just as some were losing faith and saying they'd never get a ticket... along come the girls with a bit of serious Girl Power and throw in yet more dates! See our Spice Girls Tour page for more info and the Spice Girls Tickets page to book.
Shows sell out in 38 seconds
Don't believe the hype? Everyone with a brain knows the tickets were going to sell fast. But I struggle to see how enough people could have got the details off their emails and logged in at the site and booked that quickly without any hiccups or people holding tickets (in their booking session) without completing. Got to give credit to their marketing guys as it got them lots of media stories.
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